Drone shot of Petite L’Anse, the beach on the right is sandy, while the beach on the left is comprised of large cobbles. The headland separating the tow comprises an outcrop of north dipping Galera Grits
Outcrop of Galera Grit, beds dip north. Lower interpreted photo indicated channelisation of the sands. Middle inset is the same outcrop presented upside down. It has been stated (Algar etc) that the Galera Grits at Galera Point are overturned (+/- 1000ft away). It appears that this outcrop is the right way up.
Well bedded Galera Grits, changes in bed thickness are evident. Quartz veins appear to be ”tension gashes” which may have developed perpendicular to a maximum stress direction. The fault also has a quartz infilling
Previous outcrop with interpreted fault and stratigraphy