A view of the Grand Boca looking west to the Paria Peninsula (Venezeula) from the lighthouse .Patos is the small island to the right of the photo.
(Naparima Datum): E 0635697 N 1181570 Folded phyllites and sandstones.
(Naparima Datum): E 635732 N 1181458
Phyllite dominated, sequence with thin sub-ordinate sandstones. One can note that the sandstones have been folded into broad gentle folds while the phyllites exhibit more severe deformation
Possible chevron fold developed in phyllites
UTM (Naparima Datum): E 635794 N 1181371
Tightly folded limestones, fold axial planes all dip to the south and also appear to be folded.
UTM (Naparima Datum): E 635747 N 1181070, La Tinta bay, southern headland – small fault
Boudinaged calcite band – biotite schist
Schist with boudinaged calcite.
Carbonate layer, thinly banded, rapid fizzing with acid.
Calcareous sandstone, with calcareous schist at top and base, schist has abundant irregularly shaped pyrite crystals
Alternating black phyllites and thin sandstones.
Fault zone, rocks in the footwall are dominantly calcareous sandstones and calcareous pyritic schists. Abundant calcite nodules and boudinaged calcite are found in the fault zone
Close up of the fault, showing quartz along the fault plane and abundant quartz filled veins near it
quartz filled tension gashes within sandstone layer, north is to the right.
Headland at end of La Tinta Bay, to the left is North and the the right is south. The fault is visible as the abrupt change from light brown rock to black.
Harmonic folding, phyllites are severely deformed
quartz filled tension fractures, 2 phases of activity are evident the left to right diagonal is displaced by the vertical fractures
Closeup of small fold in phyllites and sandstone
Folded phyllite with axial plane cleavage
Folded phyllite with axial plane cleavage
Small asymmetric fold ,grey layers are limestone while brown is calcareous phyllites, the less competent phyllites has been squeezed from the limbs(class 3 fold). Pyrite forms bands parallel to the layering.
UTM (Naparima Datum): E 635954 N 1181313
Small headland separating 2 beaches in Perruquier Bay, Rocks are quartzites dominated with thin phyllites between.
Close up of rocks, showing sandstones separated by thin deformed phyllites, there appears to be primary sedimentary fabric preserved here.
Sandstones with thin phyllites, bottom bed show what seems to be scouring into the underlying phyllites at the base of the bed.
headland near jetty, moving south to Stanislas Bay.