Drone video of the Morne Diablo beach in the vicinity of the fishing centre, clearly seen in the photo below are the slumped claystones and siltstones of the Cruse Formation and a number of fractures and “faults” that have a NW – SE orientation.
Fracture orentations for the Morne Diablo area
Photo montage of outcrops along the Morne Diablo coastline.
View towards Spiaria point
Siparia Point (March 2007) – western side of the headland, sands tend to be parallel bedded and are underlain by a slumped claystone that has incorporated some of the surrounding sands
Macaronichnus and Thallasanoides at Siparia Point
View looking west from 667967 1113425
Slumped claystones
Series of normal faults showing a synthetic and antithetic relationship
Thin lignite beds within sands
Rippled sands at 671924 1113659, trace fossils are also present