Erin Bouffe

Location : UTM Naparima N 651512 E 1112776, Altitude 209’, Area : 70m X 55m. There have been no recorded large eruptions since 1850.


1959 Kugler surface geology map showing the location of the Erin Bouffe and associated cones and vents

The eastern tassik of the Erin Bouffe 2018

The central tassiks of the Erin Bouffe 2019

The western legacy tassiks of the Erin Bouffe 2018, there are NO active or recently active vents in this area

New mud vents 23 January 2020, only 2 are active

Location of all active vents in the eastern Erin Bouffe area between 2010 and 2019 superimposed, the location of main activity has not changed much

Number of all active vents vs. time for the Erin area

Location of all active vents in the central Erin Bouffe area between 2010 and 2019 superimposed, the location of most vent activity has not changed much. However, in 2018 and 2019 new vents have appeared further westward


What did the Erin Bouffe area look like on:

20 March 2021

10th March 2021

30th January 2020

29th May 2020

22nd January 2020

26 August 2019

12th October 2018

5th October 2018

27th March 2015

1st April 2011

26th March 2010