Based on the drone footage taken on the 24th August 2018 there has been no new mud volcanic activity in the area
Interpreted photo 24th August 2018 showing the faults and their sense of motion. Nearly all of then are down to the west, however no deformation zone or East dipping fault exists in front of these faults.
12th October 2018 – western side of the deformation , Los Iros. No active vents are visible
An interpretation of the area of maximum faulting and disruption of the area. 24th August 2018
Montage illustrating that the event in Los Iros is a slump. There are NO mud vents in this area.
Cartoon illustrating a possible relationship of the direction of the observed failure planes and the main slump
View looking east ALL of the displacements on the faults are down to the west
E650292 N1112399 (nap) close up of westerly displacement (2′), some oblique dip slip to the right(south) may have happened. Fault has an azimuth of 18 degrees
E650300 N1112404 (nap) two faults with easterly and westerly displacement . Faults have an azimuth of 187 degrees
E650306 N1112405 (Nap) fault with westerly displacement . Fault has an azimuth of 35 degrees
view looking south, displacement on all faults is down to the west.
E650333 N1112420 (Nap) fault with westerly displacement . Fault has an azimuth of 17 degrees. The water collecting in the fault gap may result in the slip planes being lubricated and initiate additional movement.
E650322 N1112413 (Nap) fault with westerly displacement . Fault has an azimuth of 219 degrees
close up of fault showing water collecting in the fault gap (plus garbage)
E650340 N1112426 (Nap) fault with westerly and easterly displacement . Fault has an azimuth of 350 degrees
Same fault looking north, water once again fills the fault gap.
E650353 N1112434 (Nap) fault with westerly displacement . Fault has an azimuth of 350 degrees
E650353 N1112436 (Nap) fault with westerly displacement . Fault has an azimuth of 306 degrees
E650407 N1112443 (Nap) fault with easterly displacement . Fault has an azimuth of 163 degreesE650520 N1112452 (Nap) fault with no vertical displacement . Fault has an azimuth of 210 degrees
E650528 N1112453 (Nap) fault with easterly displacement . Fault has an azimuth of 20 degrees
E650659 N1112491 (Nap) fault with westerly displacement . Fault has an azimuth of 258 degrees
Same west dipping fault, it is terminated by an east – west trending fault
Failed road, it has collapsed to the west and east
West – east fault, on south side is an east dipping fault
South dipping failure plane
South dipping failure plane
South dipping failure plane, tree roots indicate direction of motion
View looking south to the upper part of the slope failure
Main fault at the head of the slope failure
Main fault at the head of the slope failure
Horizontal slickenslides on the fault plane, downslope is to the right
Deformation on the downthrown side of main fault