CHAUDIERE shale (changed to formation status) Paleocene (Trinidad, B W. I.).

Author of name: RENZ (H. H.) (1942). Stratigraphy of North¬ern South America, Trinidad and Barbados. Proc. 8th. Amer. Sci. Cong., vol. 4, p. 529.
Type locality: Chaudiere River, Mt. Harris, Eastern Central Range.
Thickness: About 2 000 feet.
The stratigraphic equivalent of the Tarouba formation in the Central Range is the Chaudiere shale, n sequence of more than 1 000 feet of dense dark grey to olive-green, slightly silty shales in alternation with a few fine-grained grit layers. The Chaudiere shale contains an assemblage of foraminifera almost identical with that of the Upper Tarouba formation, consisting entirely of arenaceous species such as Rzehakina epigona var. lata and Spiroplectoides clotho.
The Chaudiere shale is known to rest on Cretaceous and seemingly merges upwards into the Pointe-a-Pierre formation. The lower boundary is more or less disconformable and a con¬glomerate can occur which is related to the St. Joseph conglomerate at the base of WARING’S Tarouba shale. SUTER (1951, P. 191) applies the term Chaudiere formation to the argillaceous facies of the Lizard Springs formation and KUGLR (1953, p. 39) stresses its Flysch character.
The meeting of Pointe-a-Pierre (1955) has decided that the term Chaudiere shale should be changed to Chaudiere Formation

Location (Naparima Datum) : E 0669285.9 N 1137202.522, Kugler surface geology map



Rounded matrix supported chert clasts

The formation appears to be parallel bedded with the clasts all aligned.

Close up of the Naparima Hill / Chaudiere contact


Massive, fractured dark grey Naparima Hill Argillite at the base of the outcrop overlain by the parallel bedded Chaddiere, which has chert and argillite clasts.